Become a member

We kindly invite all consultants/specialists and trainees who work in the field of anaesthesiology, reanimatology, pain therapy and intensive care medicine to join SSAIM. We offer two types of membership – active and associate membership. Active membership is reserved for licensed practitioners in Slovenia, whereas associate membership is open for international colleagues as well. A more detailed description of the types of memberships can be found below.


Become a member

We kindly invite all consultants/specialists and trainees who work in the field of anaesthesiology, reanimatology, pain therapy and intensive care medicine to join SSAIM. We offer two types of membership – active and associate membership. Active membership is reserved for licensed practitioners in Slovenia, whereas associate membership is open for international colleagues as well. A more detailed description of the types of memberships can be found below.

Associated members

Associated members are individuals from the Republic of Slovenia or abroad who are interested in the field of anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine. Their membership application is deliberated on and approved by the management board.

They have the following rights:

  • to attend meetings of the governing bodies (with exception of the management board meetings);
  • to file proposals to the governing bodies of the society;
  • are eligible for discounted or waived fees to attend meetings and other events organised by the society.

and responsibilities:

  • to follow and respect the SSAIM statues and regulations;
  • to respect and comply with the decisions made by SSAIM offices;
  • to pay annual membership fee to Slovenian Medical Association.

Associated members can not run for the governing positions within SSAIM and have no voting rights at general assembly.

Active members – specialists/consultants

Active members – specialists/consultants, are all physicians with a completed residency programme (including retired) who are working (or have worked) in the field of anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine in the Republic of Slovenia and are members of Slovenian Medical Association.

They have the following rights:

  • to vote at general assembly;
  • to run for and become elected for any officer position(s) within the society (except for the position of the trainee representative);
  • are eligible for discounted or waived fees to attend meetings and other events organised by the society;
  • free access to all online (educational) resources;
  • to file proposals to the governing bodies of the society;
  • to collaborate with the governing bodies of the society.

and responsibilities:

  • to follow and respect the SSAIM statues and regulations;
  • to respect and comply with the decisions made by SSAIM offices;
  • to contribute in the SSAIM work programme delivery;
  • to pay annual membership fee to Slovenian Medical Asssociation.

Active members – trainees

Active members – trainees, are all residents/trainees who are working in the field of anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine in the Republic of Slovenia and are members of Slovenian Medical Association.

They have the following rights:

  • to vote at general assembly;
  • to run for and become elected for the following officer positions: secretary, treasurer and trainee representative;
  • are eligible for discounted or waived fees to attend meetings and other events organised by the society;
  • free access to all online (educational) resources;
  • to file proposals to the governing bodies of the society;
  • to collaborate with the governing bodies of the society.

and responsibilities:

  • to follow and respect the SSAIM statues and regulations;
  • to respect and comply with the decisions made by SSAIM offices;
  • to contribute in the SSAIM work programme delivery;
  • to pay annual membership fee to Slovenian Medical Asssociation.

Honorary members

Active and associated members of SSAIM or any other individuals who are not members of the SSAIM can become honorary members of SSAIM based on their extraordinary contributions to the work of SSAIM or to the field of anaesthesiology, reanimatology, pain medicine and intensive care medicine. Nominations for honorary membership can be made by SSAIM Management board or by any SSAIM active member. Nominations are considered and voted on at the general assembly (approved by the majority of votes). The title is honorable and is valid indefinitely. Rights and responsibilities are kept the same as for active or associated membership category with addition of the right to use the title.

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